In Seventh Heaven 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 4

In Seventh Heaven 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 4

In Seventh Heaven 1100 Words You Need Week 36 Day 4

extremely happy, in a state of ecstasy, ecstatic, euphoric, elated, thrilled, jubilant, overjoyed, walking on air, rapturous, delirious, blissful, over the moon, transported, on cloud nine, excited, high

When we know what the law is and conduct ourselves accordingly, we live in seventh heaven, good health, and perfect harmony with ourselves and with all life.

A few years ago, I had a fine musical instrument, an esraj from India. I loved to play devotional music on it. But a visitor one day admired it. Unhesitatingly I gave it to him. Years later someone asked me, Weren’t you just a little sorry? Never for a moment! I replied. Sharing ones happiness with others only expands ones own happiness.

A lover and beloved can find happiness in each other if they live simple lives, not burdening their existence with opulence, artificiality, and hard-driving ambition.

When two selfish individuals become formally united in matrimony, they will still be separated mentally as long as each of them is walled in by self-love. Locked in prison cells of selfishness, they never achieve happiness and harmony together. In loving, not in being loved, lies the key that will unlock the doors of their hearts and bring them wedded happiness.


Anonyms: dejected, doleful, despondent

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