Definition of Lilliputian in visual dictionary and thesaurus with real examples and synonyms for advanced learners of English and GRE candidates from 601 Words You Need to Know
/ˌlɪl.ɪˈpjuː.ʃən/ (adj & noun)
Adjective: extremely small, infinitesimal, elfin, puny, tiny, teeny, bagatelle, petty, diminutive, minute, minuscule, trivial
Noun: a small person or thing
The Lilliputians are a society of people around six inches in average height, but with all the arrogance and sense of self-importance associated with full-sized men. Typically greedy, jealous, manipulative, conniving, violent, selfish, and untrustworthy; they are, in all ways, an accurate portrayal of their “giant” counterparts. They live on the island of Lilliput, located on the Indian Ocean.
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