Loyalty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32

Loyalty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32

/ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti/ (noun)

the quality of being faithful, loyal and trustworthy, faithfulness, devotion, adherence, steadfastness, trustiness, fidelity, trustworthiness, allegiance, reliability, constancy, dependability

Brand loyalty is the positive association consumers attach to a particular product or brand. Customers that exhibit brand loyalty are devoted to a product or service, which is demonstrated by their repeat purchases despite competitor’s efforts to lure them away. Corporations invest significant amounts of money on customer service and marketing to create and maintain brand loyalty for an established product. Coca-Cola Company is an example of an iconic brand that has resulted in customers demonstrating brand loyalty over the years despite Pepsi’s products and marketing efforts.

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/

Antonym: disloyalty

Adjective: loyal

Adverb: loyally

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