Martial definition in real context about military terms in English with images and synonyms from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn advanced vocabulary about military terms with text-to-speech in real context.
/ˈmɑː.ʃəl/ (adj)
Martial definition
- related to war, soldiers and armed forces, warlike, military, soldierly, fighting
- aggressive and belligerent, fierce, bellicose, hostile, antagonistic
- related to the planet Mars
If you want to learn martial arts, there’s nothing that can replace training under an experienced instructor. In order to start training, you’ll have to find a martial arts school in your area and sign up for your first class. From there, you’ll need to attend class regularly, stay humble, and listen to the instructor to improve. With enough dedication and hard work, you can learn to become proficient in martial arts.
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Parts of speech
Adverb: martially
Noun: martialness
Noun: martialism
Noun: martialist
Noun: Mars