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Mercurial GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Definition of Mercurial as a GRE Vocabulary Flashcard also found in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for advanced learners of English together with illustration and authentic examples

/mɜːˈkjʊə.ri.əl/ (adj)


volatile, quick and unpredictable, changing rapidly, lively and active, capricious, unstable, inconsistent, erratic, fickle, moody, impulsive, fluctuating, unsteady, temperamental, whimsical – clever, shrewd, crafty


A mercurial personality is volatile in nature. People having this personality are often unpredictable and capricious. They are always up for a good adventure. They wear their hearts on the sleeve, are spontaneous and mostly creative by nature. They are open minded individuals who will often distance from the real world and life if hurt. Fun loving, open minded, busy, engaging and imaginative by nature as a person. When it comes to love life, they always want to be in a relationship with one person.

Source: https://www.quora.com/



Parts of speech

Noun: mercury

Noun: mercuriality

Noun: mercurialness

Adverb: mercurially

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