Nurture 1100 Words You Need
Nurture 1100 Words You Need
/ˈnɜː.tʃəʳ/ (noun & verb)
- to give food to someone and take care of him so that they can develop and grow, take care of young thing, feed, nourish, look after, raise, rear, foster
- to help and support a plan or person to develop and thrive, encourage someone or something to flourish, cherish, cultivate
- to keep a feeling or emotion in the mind, to have a particular emotion or idea for a long time
Noun: care that is given to the young, attention, assistance, support, upbringing, development, raising, rearing, education, cultivation, growth, increase, evolution
Providing for your child’s physical needs (food, shelter, clothing) is a fairly straightforward matter. Trying to provide for your child’s emotional needs can be trickier. Although there are many parenting styles, most experts agree on some general guidelines for nurturing a child’s emotional health and laying the ground work for an emotionally healthy adulthood.
Antonyms: destroy, destruction
Noun: nurturer
Farsi: پرورش ، تربيت ، تغذيه ، غذا، بزرگ کردن ( کودک)، بار اوردن بچه ، پروردن