Onomatopoeia definitions and examples in real context with images and illustrations from the book 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Perfect your English vocabulary in scientific and literary context.
/ˌɒn.əʊˌmæt.əˈpiː.ə/ (noun)
Onomatopoeia definition
the creation, coinage or use of words or vocabulary based on the natural imitation of the sound that the attributed concept makes in nature, the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named, imitation of sounds in words, in Greek, onomatopoeia means: “making of words”.
Onomatopoeia is a word which sounds like what it means.
‘Thud’, ‘crash’, ‘bang’ and ‘buzz’ are all examples. Can you think of any more?
Source of example: https://www.bbc.co.uk/
Parts of speech
Adjective: onomatopoeic
Adverb: onomatopoeically