Pleonasm meaning and examples in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with real examples. Improve your advanced vocabulary in authentic context and practice reading and listening comprehension.
/ˈpli:ənæzm/ (noun)
Pleonasm meaning
using more words or vocabulary than necessary to express something, verbosity, prolixity, redundancy, using redundant words, the use of superfluous words, circumlocution
Pleonasm in linguistics is redundancy in linguistic expression, such as “black darkness” or “burning fire”. It is a manifestation of tautology by traditional rhetorical criteria, and might be considered a fault of style. Pleonasm may also be used for emphasis, or because the phrase has become established in a certain form. Tautology and pleonasm are not consistently differentiated in literature.
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Parts of speech
Adjective: pleonastic
Adverb: pleonastically