Quip 1100 Words You Need
Quip 1100 Words You Need
/kwɪp/ (noun & verb)
an amusing and clever remark, humor, witticism, joke, jibe, wisecrack, pun, bon mot – to jest, to joke, to retort, kid:
Sarcasm is an underrated art form. It takes plenty of smart power to create a hilarious sarcastic comeback or quip on the fly.
Today, we are honoring these 21 funniest sarcastic quips ever. It’s our special way of thanking the people who came up with these brilliant remarks. Because, let’s face it, we could never be this smart and funny on the spot. Enjoy!
It was Oscar Wilde who made the famous quip about life mimicking art.
When asked earlier why he seemed to be so relaxed, Mr McCarthy quipped: “It’s the drugs”.
French: quolibet
Farsi: کنایه