Raise Cain 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2

Raise Cain 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2

Raise Cain 1100 Words You Need Week 35 Day 2

to cause trouble, make a fuss, create trouble, raise hell, create a disturbance, act wildly, foment, provoke

Because they provide a non-pathologizing view of people, privileging their preferred self-descriptions. externalizing thinking and questioning embody an ethical and collaborative curiosity. The therapist engages from a stance or posture that sees persons and problems as separate. collaborating with the child and family to develop language for the problem that makes sense to them. So, for example, She has an anxiety disorder” becomes a struggle with -the fears” or “the worries’ Cameron is ADHD and ODD’ becomes -the struggle with outbursts.” The child and problem become separated as we explore the effects of the problem on them and on the family and others. The conversation deconstructs the child’s identification with the problem, separating the problem from the child’s identity. Questions create space to understand the ways the social context of a child’s life works to raise Cain and create and maintain the problem. This assists the child and family to envision ways they can affect the problem and its context—the problem is no longer “who I am” but is a problem that is ‘affecting me,’ so people can now move toward finding ways to respond to the problem and the events, relationships, and experiences that sustain it.

Source: The book: Social Justice and Counseling: Discourse in Practice

Antonyms: make peace, conciliate, appease, reconcile, placate, mollify, soothe, resolve

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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