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Repartee 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Repartee 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in authentic context and passages with images, synonyms and antonyms to get you ready for IELTS, TOEFL, GRE & SAT

/ˌrep.ɑːˈtiː/ (noun)


witty and quick answers used in conversations, retort, riposte, joking, amusing comment or reply, witticism, banter, badinage, quip, wit, witty remark


For now what we know is this. “Witty thinking and using repartee in conversations seem to recruit a unique configuration of neural processes that engage in seemingly contradictory modes of thought; the spontaneous and the deliberate, the generative and evaluative,” according to Geary. In other words, a wit is someone who is disinhibited in linking ideas creatively but also capable of evaluating these connections thoughtfully, thereby presenting unexpected and clever combinations.

Source of text: https://qz.com/

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