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Scorch 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

Scorch 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 36

/skɔːtʃ/ (noun & verb)

Verb: to burn slightly in a way that the natural color changes, dry up, char, brand, blacken, singe, discolor, mark, sear – to criticize someone severely, reprimand, lecture, reprove, reproach, castigate, flay

Noun: burn, burning, scald, brand, blister, injury

If you need to wear or use the item immediately and the scorch marks are slight, lightly rub white distilled vinegar on the fabric. Wipe with a clean cloth. Heavily scorched fabrics where the fibers are burned and damaged can’t be returned to their original state. Nor can melted or shiny areas.

Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/

Antonym: freeze

Noun: scorcher

Adjective: scorched

Adjective: scorching

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