Table Manners in Farsi with Expressions and a Podcast

Table Manners in Farsi

Table Manners in Farsi with popular expressions at the dinner table

مهمان: چقدر زحمت کشیدید! سنگ تموم گذاشتید.

Guest: You’ve done a great job. It couldn’t be better than this!

مهمان: دستپخت شما حرف نداره! شما یه کدبانوی تمام عیار هستین.

Guest: Your cuisine is extraordinary! You’re a perfect housewife.

میزبان: بیشتر بفرمایید. تعارف می کنید؟

Host: Help yourself more please. Do you give us Taarof?

مهمان: نه به خدا. دو بشقاب خوردم. دیگه اصلا جا ندارم. خیلی عالی بود.

Guest: Swear to God, no. I ate two dishes of food. I’m completely full. It was great.

مهمان: عطرش که آدمو دیوونه می کنه. ما که غریبه نبودیم!

Guest: The fragrance makes you crazy. We were not strangers, though!

مهمان: غذا خیلی خوب جا افتاده. چرا چند نوع خورشت درست کردین؟

Guest: The food is very good and well-cooked. Why did you make some types of stews?

میزبان: نوش جان. قابل شما رو نداره.

Host: You’re so welcome. You deserve much more than this.

مهمان: دست شما درد نکنه. خیلی خوشمزه بود!

Guest: Thank you very much. It was so delicious!

میزبان: باز هم بکشید. شما که چیزی نخوردید!

Host: Eat more / serve / help yourself more. You’ve not eaten anything!

میزبان: برای نوشیدنی، دوغ می خورید یا نوشابه؟

Host: Would you like soft drink or dough?

مهمان: من رژیم دارم. زیاد نمی تونم غذا بخورم.

Guest: I’m on a diet. I cannot eat much.

مهمان: ته دیگش خیلی عالی شده! محشره! آدم می خواد دستاش رو هم بخوره!

Guest: The Tahdig (the overcooked part of the food at the bottom of the pot) is so tasty! It’s fantastic! I’d like to eat my fingers, too!

میزبان: این یه لقمه غذا که قابل شما رو نداره!

Host: You deserve much more than this morsel of food!

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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