Censor 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28

censor LELB Society

Censor 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 28 /ˈsent.səʳ/ (noun & verb) Noun: a person who edits and cuts out offensive parts from books, films, etc., expurgator, bowdlerizer, editor, reviewer, corrector, inspector Verb: to expurgate, edit and remove the offensive parts from films, books, etc., cut, remove, delete parts of, blue-pencil, bowdlerize, amend Book censorship is …

Expurgate 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 3

Expurgate 1100 words you need to know week 42 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Expurgate 1100 Words You Need Week 42 Day 3 /ˈek.spə.geɪt/ (verb) to remove or censor parts of a piece of writing that are considered offensive or unsuitable, bowdlerize, cut, edit, amend, blue-pencil DURING the American Library Association’s recent convention in Los Angeles, the group’s young-adult services division issued a background report that said the three …