Accomplice 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

accomplice LELB Society

Accomplice 1100 Words You Need Accomplice 1100 Words You Need /əˈkʌm.plɪs/ (noun) a partner in committing a crime or wrongdoing, partner in crime, accessory, assistant, co-conspirator, collaborator, abettor, partner: Generally, the main perpetrator of a crime is referred to as a principal while the individuals assisting in the commission of the crime are referred to…

Complicity 1100 Words You Need Week 15 Day 1

complicity LELB Society

Complicity 1100 Words You Need Complicity 1100 Words You Need /kəmˈplɪs.ɪ.ti/ partnership in wrongdoing or a criminal activity, involvement in wrongdoing, collusion, collaboration, participation, connivance: AFP – French technology firm Amesys on Tuesday denied accusations of complicity in torture in Libya after judicial authorities in France opened a probe into its activities under ex-strongman Moamer…

Felon – English Flashcard for Felon with Synonyms

Felon - English Flashcard for Felon

Felon Felon /ˈfel.ən/ (noun) a person who is guilty of a crime, criminal, culprit, delinquent, outlaw, offender, murderer, killer, robber, thief, lawbreaker: The aggressive criminal felon was handcuffed. Parts of Speech Noun: felony Antonyms hero, police

Defendant – English Flashcard for Defendant for IELTS

Defendant - English Flashcard for Defendant

Defendant Defendant /dɪˈfen.dənt/ (noun) a person in a court of law who is accused of having committed a crime, the accused, accused party, perpetrator, offender, respondent, suspect, culprit: There was a heated debate between the defendant and the plaintiff before the judge and the jury. Antonyms plaintiff Parts of Speech Verb: defend Noun: defender Noun:…

Warden – English Flashcard for Warden with Synonyms

Warden | English Flashcard for Warden - LELB Society

Warden Warden (noun) /ˈwɔː.dən/ US /ˈwɔːr-/ a principal officer who’s in charge of a prison – prison keeper – guardian – law enforcer – supervisor – curator – governor: The prisoner could escape the prison because the warden was asleep. Parts of Speech Noun: wardenship

Delinquent – English Flashcard for Delinquent for IELTS

Delinquent | English Flashcard for Delinquent - LELB Society

Delinquent Delinquent (adj & noun) /dɪˈlɪŋ.kwənt/ noun: a criminal or offender – lawbreaker – felon – wrongdoer: Adjective: antisocial, criminal This district at night is infamous for having so many delinquents. Antonyms dutiful, law-abiding Parts of Speech Noun: delinquency Adverb: delinquently

Prosecute – English Flashcard for Prosecute for IELTS

Prosecute | English Flashcard for Prosecute - LELB Society

Prosecute Prosecute (verb) (CONTINUE) /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuːt/ US /ˈprɑː.sɪ-/ to officially accuse someone of a crime – litigate – sue – put on trial – indict – press charges against – take legal action – bring to court: He was prosecuted for rubbing from an old woman. Parts of Speech Noun: prosecution Noun: prosecutor Antonyms pardon, defend,…

Vandal – English Flashcard for Vandal for IELTS

Vandal - English Flashcard for Vandal - LELB Society

Vandal Vandal (noun) /ˈvæn.dəl/ someone who deliberately damages other people’s property – trespasser – delinquent – criminal – felon, thug: The police arrested several vandals and dispersed the crowd. Parts of speech Noun: vandalism Verb: vandalize

IELTS Writing Task 2 Immigration Issues

IELTS Writing Task 2 Immigration Issues IELTS Writing Task 2 Immigration Issues Topic These days, many people try to enter developed countries illegally in search of better job positions and standards of living. Why do you think the rate of illegal immigration is so high nowadays? Essayist: Sayeh A wide range of ideas has been put…