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Aspersion Definition & Meaning – 601 Words

Aspersion definition and examples in real context with images

Aspersion definition and meaning from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam used in real or authentic context for SAT candidates. Improve your listening and reading comprehension with the word, aspersion. /əˈspəːʃ(ə)n/ (noun) Aspersion definition an attack on someone’s reputation, character or fame, slam, slanderous remark, obloquy, calumny, slur, accusation,…

Sully GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Sully GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Sully GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈsʌl.i/ (verb) to damage or destroy someone’s reputation, defile, besmirch, tarnish, vilify, mar, smear, defame, taint, disgrace, dishonor, denigrate, spoil, stain, blemish – to make something dirty, pollute, contaminate, adulterate, soil The last few years have not been good for corporate America. The reputations of many once-revered U.S. companies have plummeted…

Defamatory 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2

Defamatory 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 2 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Defamatory 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 Defamatory 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 /dɪˈfæm.ə.tər.i/ (adj) intended to ruin one’s reputation, libelous, scandalous, malicious, abusive, vicious, backbiting, insulting, offensive, derogatory, deprecating The reputation you’ve built for your business can be damaged in a short space of time by defamatory comments. If…

Libel 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2

Libel 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 2 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Libel 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 Libel 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 2 /ˈlaɪ.bəl/ (noun & verb) attacking of someone’s reputation, written statement damaging someone’s reputation falsely, defamation, vilification, calumny, misrepresentation, disparagement, derogation, denigration, slander, character assassination, vilify, tarnish, defame, malign The law of defamation, libel and slander can be…

Stigmatize 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3

Stigmatize 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3 Stigmatize 1100 Words You Need Week 38 Day 3 /ˈstɪg.mə.taɪz/ (verb) to treat someone unfairly especially by disapproving of them, regard as worthy of disgrace, mark with stigmata, label as socially undesirable, condemn, denounce, disparage, vilify, defame, mark out, pillory There is mounting evidence to suggest…

Malign 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2

Malign 1100 you need to know week 30 day 2 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Malign 1100 Words You Need Malign 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 2 with authentic materials, synonyms, antonyms and illustrated flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /məˈlaɪn/ (adj & verb) Verb: to say untrue and unpleasant things about someone, slander, abuse, stigmatize, defame, criticize, smear, libel, disparage Adjective: causing harm and evil, harmful, hurtful,…

Besmirch 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 3

besmirch LELB Society

Besmirch 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 3 Besmirch 1100 Words You Need Week 27 Day 3 /bɪˈsmɜːtʃ/ (verb) to say bad things about someone to destroy their reputation, scandalize, libel, defame, stain, sully, tarnish, damage, slander, drag through the mud, make dirty “The only reward that he feels like that he has received…