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Sully GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Sully GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ˈsʌl.i/ (verb)

to damage or destroy someone’s reputation, defile, besmirch, tarnish, vilify, mar, smear, defame, taint, disgrace, dishonor, denigrate, spoil, stain, blemish – to make something dirty, pollute, contaminate, adulterate, soil

The last few years have not been good for corporate America. The reputations of many once-revered U.S. companies have plummeted and become sullied. In Reputation Institute’s most recent study consumers rated America’s financial and automotive sectors especially poorly, with an average decline in their reputation levels of 10% since 2006.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/

Antonyms: praise, clean, purify

Adjective: sullied

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