Safari Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Safari meaning in real context with images

Safari meaning in real context as a word on traveling from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam, with synonyms and illustrations. Practice reading comprehension in real passages with text-to-speech functionality with safari. /səˈfɑː.ri/ (noun) Safari meaning an organized journey or expedition to observe or hunt animals in their own…

Expedite 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1

expedite LELB Society

Expedite 1100 Words You Need Expedite 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈek.spə.daɪt/ (verb) to cause something to happen more quickly, accelerate, speed up, hurry, hurry up, advance, further, rush Bureaucracy Needs To Expedite Decision Making, Could…

Voyage – English Flashcard for Voyage for IELTS

Voyage - English Flashcard for Voyage - LELB Society

Voyage Voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ (noun & verb) a long trip, especially by sea or through space, cruise, journey, trip, expedition, passage, crossing, tour, travel: Antonio Pigafetta made the first voyage around the world. A new era of voyages of discovery has started since the first launch of a spacecraft. Sea voyages give me a sense of purity and…

Field Trip – English Flashcard for Field Trip for IELTS

Field trip - English Flashcard for Field trip - LELB Society

Field trip Field trip (noun) a short trip for students to study something outside school or college, trek, expedition, quest, search: The best way to learn botany is to go on a field trip with a botanist. We took a geography field trip to become familiar with the structure and formation of rocks in middle…

Expedition – English Flashcard for Expedition for IELTS

Expedition - English Flashcard for Expedition - LELB Society

Expedition Expedition /ˌek.spəˈdɪʃ.ən/ (noun) a well-arranged journey for a particular purpose, organized trip, voyage, excursion, trip, mission, trek, group, team – speed in doing something Several expeditions have been arranged to find the lost child. They embarked upon a new expedition in order to familiarize themselves with various cultures. Parts of speech Verb: expedite Adjective: expeditious Adjective: expeditionary…

Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking

Writing Practice on Camping vs. Hotel Booking

Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking Topic Please argue for either camping or hotel booking. NOTE. If one side of the argument is taken by another essayist, you MUST select the other side even if it’s against your will. Camping During an expedition, some people prefer to…