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Vice versa – English Flashcard for Vice versa for IELTS

Vice versa - English Flashcard - LELB Society

vice versa vice versa /ˌvaɪsˈvɜː.sə/ US /ˌvaɪ.səˈvɝː-/ (adv) the other way around, conversely, on the other hand, in opposition, in contrast, contrariwise: Not always does affluence effect jubilation, and vice versa, however. The dilemma of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” denotes that having a chicken is a sine qua non for having…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 2

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 2 Writing Task Topic: Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? The first essayist writes an introductory paragraph on the above topic, delineating 2 merits and 2 demerits of the central idea in approximately 70 words. The second essayist writes…

English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth

English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth English Negotiation | Science vs. Wealth Topic for Negotiation: Science, in contrast to wealth, is a more important factor in bringing you happiness. Watch this video on YouTube. Mohammad agrees.  Dr. Hariri disagrees. Note Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal…

Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking

Writing Practice on Camping vs. Hotel Booking

Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking Writing Practice on Camping Vs. Hotel Booking Topic Please argue for either camping or hotel booking. NOTE. If one side of the argument is taken by another essayist, you MUST select the other side even if it’s against your will. Camping During an expedition, some people prefer to…