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The Fir-Tree and the Bramble by Aesop for ESL Students

The Fir-tree and the Bramble by Aesop for advanced ESL students with vocabulary practice and a podcast

The Fir-tree and the Bramble by Aesop for ESL students with a podcast and vocabulary practice in real context The Fir-tree and the Bramble is now in the public domain available on Gutenberg Project. Podcast of the Fir-tree and the Bramble Watch this video on YouTube. The Fir-tree and the Bramble A fir-tree was boasting…

English Conversation on Luck and Fortune with Podcast

English Conversation on Luck - LELB Society

English Conversation on Luck English Conversation on Luck Selected Text Source: Wikipedia.org Luck is the concept that defines the experience of notably positive, negative, or improbable events. The naturalistic interpretation is that positive and negative events happen all the time in human lives, both due to random and non-random natural and artificial processes, and that even improbable events can happen…

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know /ɪˈliːt/ (adj & noun) Definition a minority of people in a society with more wealth, better education and talents, and higher social standards, cream, best, upper class, pick, people with a silver spoon in their mouth, crème de la crème, high society, chosen, elect Example In political and…

Imperialism Definition in Context – 601 Words

Imperialism definition and meaning in real context with images

Imperialism definition in authentic context and short passages with images and illustrations from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn advanced and academic vocabulary in context with the word, imperialism. /ɪmˈpɪə.ri.ə.lɪ.zəm/ (noun) Imperialism definition a system of government in which a country directly or indirectly controls and rules other…

Parvenu Definition with Synonyms from 601 Words You Need

Parvenu definition and synonyms in real context

Parvenu definition with synonyms and antonyms used in real context from the coursebook 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam ideal for GRE & SAT candidates. Learn the word parvenu in real context with images. /ˈpɑː.və.nuː/ (noun) Parvenu definition someone from a lower social caste or lower class of society who has…

Magnate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Magnate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Magnate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈmæg.nət/ (noun) Definition an influential and powerful person, tycoon, a successful and rich businessman, baron, entrepreneur, potentate, industrialist, luminary, mogul, dignitary, nabob Example Growing up, I learned that the worse thing that could happen by asking for something is that someone could say no to you. On the contrary, if you…

Bonanza 601 Words You Need to Know

Bonanza 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Bonanza 601 Words You Need to Know /bəˈnæn.zə/ (noun) Definition a great source of wealth, riches and abundance, pot of gold, treasury, good fortune – valuable mineral deposit, treasure house, crook of gold, gold mine, Eldorado, jackpot Example My last two articles about playing financial offense and defense laid out two different pathways to get…

Cornucopia 601 Words You Need to Know

Cornucopia 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Cornucopia 601 Words You Need to Know /ˌkɔː.njʊˈkəʊ.pi.ə/ (noun) Definition an abundance of good things, a great deal or supply of something, a large amount of something, plenty of, overabundance, wealth, excess, copiousness, profusion, bounty – a symbol of abundance consisting of a goat’s horn overflowing with fruits, corns and flowers Example Through their research…

Avarice 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 4

avarice LELB Society

Avarice 1100 Words You Need Avarice 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 4 with synonyms, antonyms, authentic examples and flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈæv.ər.ɪs/ (noun) an extremely strong desire to have more wealth, greed, cupidity, greed for wealth, greediness, materialism, covetousness, acquisitiveness, avidity, avariciousness If you remember being taught in grammar school…