Have Cold Feet 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 3

have cold feet LELB Society

Have Cold Feet 1100 Words Have Cold Feet 1100 Words To suddenly become hesitant and uncertain about what you plan to do, be uncertain, be indecisive, vacillate, waver, falter, dither, dawdle, think twice, have qualms, have doubt: My cousin was all set to join the paratroops, but at the last moment, he got cold feet. …

Linger – English Flashcard for Linger for IELTS

Linger | English Flashcard for Linger - LELB Society

Linger Linger (verb) /ˈlɪŋ.gəʳ/ US /-gɚ/ to be reluctant to move – take time to do something, put off leaving, remain, hang back, stay behind, loiter, hang around, stick around, delay: The bitter taste of the medicine has still lingered in my mouth. Antonyms leave, depart Parts of Speech Noun: lingerer Adjective: lingering Adverb: lingeringly