Balk 1100 Words You Need Week 19 Day 4

Balk 1100 Words You Need

Balk 1100 Words You Need

/bɔːlk/ (verb)

to hesitate or be unwilling to accept something, be reluctant to do something, draw back, pull back, recoil, flinch, rein in

On Monday, US oil futures for May fell into negative territory as traders balked at the prospect of having to take delivery of physical barrels when they expired on Tuesday evening, given fast dwindling storage capacity in the States.


“The company was hoping initially to get more than $500 million for the lease rights, people familiar with the matter said. That would represent about $2 million per room key, which hotel brokers and investors say would be a record for Washington by that metric,” the newspaper reported. “Potential buyers have balked at that figure, and brokers have indicated the Trumps are willing to negotiate on price and other terms, said people familiar with the matter.”


Antonym: jump at

Noun: balker

Farsi: مردد بودن، درنگ کردن

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