Amnesty 1100 Words You Need Week 19 Day 2

Amnesty 1100 Words you need to know week 19 day 2 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Amnesty 1100 Words You Need Amnesty 1100 Words You Need /ˈæm.nɪ.sti/ (noun) a general pardon especially for those who have committed political crimes, general forgiveness, pardon, retrieve, remission, absolution, exoneration: About 8 million migrants work in Saudi Arabia, but enjoy very few human rights. These migrants greatly contribute to the economic success and stability of…

Attest 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 4

Attest 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 4 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Attest 1100 Words You Need Attest 1100 Words You Need /əˈtest/ (verb) to show or prove that something is true, be evidence of something, confirm, verify, testify, bear out, corroborate, vindicate: Diploma certificate is one of the educational certificates which you’re required to get your employment/resident visa in UAE. But visa issuing authorities consider your…

Artificial Intelligence IELTS Listening and Reading Practice

English Presentation on Artificial Intelligence or AI

Artificial Intelligence IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Artificial Intelligence IELTS Listening and Reading Practice Selected Text (below 500 words) Sophia is Hanson Robotics’ latest and most advanced robot to date and a cultural icon. She has become a media darling, appearing on major media outlets around the world, igniting the interest of people regardless of…

English Essay 44: Free Education

IELTS essay on role of education at school with complete essay and analysis

IELTS essay on free education written by LELB Society students to practice writing in preparation for the IELTS exam Essay topic on free education Some people believe that free education must be constantly provided by the government. Some others maintain that, on some occasions, free education fails to objectify its academic purposes. To which group…