Militate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Militate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Militate GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈmɪlɪteɪt/ (verb) Definition to be an influential factor in preventing something, change, tend to prevent, affect, work against, influence, exert influence, hinder, impede, have an effect on, discourage, act on, be detrimental to, weigh Example Factors militating against gender mainstreaming in Nigeria Nigeria is essentially a patriarchal society. This entails that …

Guide 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 26

guide LELB Society

Guide 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 26 /gaɪd/ (noun & verb) Noun: an influencer, assistant, leader, escort, director, conductor, tour guide, pilot – guidebook, handbook, manual, instructions Verb: to influence someone’s behavior, assist, lead someone effectively, direct, steer, conduct, handle We promote only tour guides with national guiding license guaranteeing for you an inside experience …

Manipulate – English Flashcard for Manipulate for IELTS

Manipulate | English Flashcard for Manipulate - LELB Society

Manipulate Manipulate (verb) /məˈnɪp.jʊ.leɪt/ to control, handle, operate, move or influence somebody or something skillfully, influence, deploy, engineer, affect, impress, direct, operate I don’t like it when my coworkers try to manipulate me. Parts of Speech Noun: manipulation Noun: manipulator Adjective: manipulative Antonyms abandon, suppress, leave alone

Authority – English Flashcard for Authority for IELTS

Authority | English Flashcard for Authority - LELB Society

Authority Authority (noun) /ɔːˈθɒr.ɪ.ti/ US /əˈθɔːr.ɪ.ţi/ the right or power to give commands or enforce rules – power – influence – someone in authority – source of reliable information, weight, confidence Only the CEO of the company has the authority to formulate new policies. Parts of Speech Noun: authoritarian Noun: authoritarianism Adjective: authoritative Adverb: authoritatively …