Polygraph in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & in Context

Definition of Polygraph in visual dictionary with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates at LELB Society

Definition of Polygraph in visual dictionary together with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners. All of the synonyms are also carefully illustrated. /ˈpɒl.ɪ.grɑːf/ US /ˈpɑː.lɪ.græf/ (noun) Definition a special machine as a lie detector used to monitor significant physiological changes in a person such as heartbeat, breathing or pulse…

The Shepherd Boy – Learn English with Fairy Tales

The Shepherd Boy at LELB Society with podcast and new words to learn English from Aesop's Fables

The Shepherds Boy The Shepherd Boy – English Fairy Tale from Aesop’s Fables with a podcast, new words and some exercises to learn and practice English with short stories and fairy tales Watch this video on YouTube There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near…

Prevarication 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4

Prevarication 1100 words you need to know week 46 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Prevarication 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4 Prevarication 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4 /prɪˌvær.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (noun) avoiding telling the truth, concealing the truth, evasiveness, evasion, hedging, avoidance, untruth, lying, lie, beating around the bush, equivocation, falsification It is ironic that Thomas F. who accuses CMI of prevarication did not get his…

Mendacious 1100 Words You Need Week 19 Day 2

Mendacious 1100 words you need week 19 day 2 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Mendacious 1100 Words You Need Mendacious 1100 Words You Need /menˈdeɪ.ʃəs/ (adj) not truthful, dishonest, false, unreliable, misleading, deceitful, lying, inaccurate, spurious, fallacious: The most virulent enemy of this colony, the most flagrant detractor of the resources of this colony, had never ventured to make a mendacious statement as that—a statement which was absolutely untrue.…

Supine 1100 Words You Need Week 14 Day 2

supine LELB Society

Supine 1100 Words You Need Supine 1100 Words You Need /ˈsuː.paɪn/ (adj) Watch this video on YouTube lying on back, flat on one’s back, lethargic, passive, inactive, apathetic, enervated, listless, inert, phlegmatic: The supine position means lying horizontally with the face and torso facing up, as opposed to the prone position, which is face down.…

IELTS Listening Practice Lie Detection

Definition of Polygraph in visual dictionary with synonyms and in real context for GRE candidates at LELB Society

IELTS Listening Practice Lie Detection IELTS Listening Practice Lie Detection  About this activity This activity is labeled round table by Dr. Hariri, the creator and administrator of LELB Society. This activity is on the premise of Flipped Learning, according to which the students watch a video before the class, carry out research into the selected theme, and prepare themselves for an informed discussion in the class. This activity is on…