Blatant 1100 Words You Need Week 9 Day 2

blatant LELB Society

Blatant 1100 Words You Need Blatant 1100 Words You Need /ˈbleɪ.tənt/ (adj) describes something bad that is very obvious or intentional, flagrant, egregious, awful, unconcealed, barefaced, unashamed, deliberate, transparent, uncouth, patent, manifest, palpable: a blatant lie The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity. antonym: furtive adv: blatantly noun: blatancy French: flagrante Farsi: …

Flagrant 1100 Words You Need Week 5 Day 2

flagrant LELB Society

Flagrant 1100 Words You Need Flagrant 1100 Words You Need /ˈfleɪ.grənt/ (adj) (of a bad action, situation, person, etc.) shocking because of being so obvious, blatant, barefaced, scandalous, obvious, deliberate, open, unashamed, overt, patent, manifest, relentless, bald-faced, shameless, immodest, glaring: a flagrant misuse of funds/privilege a flagrant breach of trust a flagrant disregard for the …

Tangible – English Flashcard for Tangible for IELTS

Tangible - English Flashcard for Tangible

Tangible Tangible /ˈtæn.dʒə.bļ/ (adj) that can be perceived, touched or experienced, actual and real, obvious, able to be touched and realized, tactile, palpable, touchable, perceptible, concrete, noticeable, definite, evident: Generally speaking, nouns are mostly used to refer to tangible objects and adjectives mainly depict intangible concepts in a language. Having an insatiable appetite for tangible progress, I had to burn the midnight oil. Antonyms intangible …

Conspicuous – English Flashcard for Conspicuous

Conspicuous - English Flashcard for Conspicuous

Conspicuous Conspicuous /kənˈspɪk.ju.əs/ (adj) easily noticeable, easily visible, attracting attention, obvious, exposed, on show, in the limelight, eye-catching, evident, prominent: John’s behavior towards his wife was so uncouth and unsavory that it became quite conspicuous for guests. It is all Greek to me that some try to be conspicuous and showy in every gathering in order to be the center of …

Transparent – English Flashcard for Transparent for IELTS

Transparent - English Flashcard for Transparent - LELB Society

Transparent Transparent (adj) /trænˈspær.ənt/ US /trænˈsper-/ easily seen through – clear – obvious crystal clear – see-through – visible – evident: Before setting off for the road trip, make sure that the front window is transparent enough. Antonyms opaque, obscure, unclear Parts of speech Noun: transparency Adverb: transparently