Recent – English Flashcard for Recent for IELTS

Recent English Flashcard LELB Society

Recent Recent (adj) /ˈriː.sənt/ happening or existing not long ago – new – latest, fresh, current, modern, contemporary Recent studies show that there is a close relationship between happiness and sociability. Parts of Speech Adverb: recently Noun: recency Noun: recentness Antonyms old, ancient, obsolete

Adjourn – English Flashcard for Adjourn with Synonyms

Adjourn - English flashcard for Adjourn

Adjourn Adjourn /əˈdʒɜːn/ US /-ˈdʒɝːn/ (verb) to postpone a formal meeting or trial to another time, suspend judgement, defer, delay, put off, hold back, interrupt, recess: The trial took so much time and the jury had become weary. Therefore, the judge adjourned the trial. Parts of Speech Noun: adjournment Antonyms continue, start, commence

Prior – English Flashcard for Prior for IELTS

Prior | English Flashcard for Prior - LELB Society

Prior Prior (adj) /praɪəʳ/ US /praɪr/ happening or existing before something else – earlier in sequence or time, previous – preceding – more important, previous, earlier: Mr. Richardson was fired from the firm without any prior warning. Antonyms subsequent Parts of Speech Noun: prioress Noun: priory

Subsequent – English Flashcard for Subsequent for IELTS

Subsequent - English Flashcard for Subsequent | LELB Society

Subsequent Subsequent (adj) /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ later in time and/or order, occurring after something else in time, future, later, following, succeeding, successive, consequent: The subsequent chapters of the book involve so much crime and violence. Antonyms preceding, prior Parts of Speech Adverb: subsequently

Coincide – English Flashcard for Coincide for IELTS

Coincide - English Flashcard for Coincide - LELB Society

Coincide Coincide (verb) /ˌkəʊ.ɪnˈsaɪd/ US /ˌkoʊ-/ to happen at the same time – occupy the same place – overlap – agree – accord – concur – match: Alice’s father’s death sadly coincided with the birth of her first child. Antonyms differ, desist Parts of speech Noun: coincidence Adjective: coincident Adverb: coincidently

Belated – English Flashcard for Belated with Synonyms

Belated - English Flashcard for Belated - LELB Society

Belated Belated (adj) /bɪˈleɪ.tɪd/ US /-ţɪd/ happening or arriving later than expected – late – delayed – deferred – postponed – overdue: I cannot accept his belated apology. It’s too late. Antonyms precocious Parts of speech Adverb: belatedly

Carpe Diem – English Flashcard for Carpe Diem for IELTS

Carpe diem - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Carpe diem Carpe diem /’kär-pe-‘dē-ˌem, -‘dī-, -əm/ (noun) the philosophy of living and enjoying the present and not worrying about the future, living for the moment, enjoying the present, seize the day The best advice you can give to those who are used to saving money is carpe diem. Unfortunately, in underdeveloped countries, carpe diem …

Concomitant – English Flashcard for Concomitant for IELTS

Concomitant - English Flashcard for Concomitant - LELB Society

Concomitant Concomitant (adj & noun) /kənˈkɒm.ɪ.tənt/ coexisting and happening at the same time along with something else – attendant – associated – connected – affiliated – simultaneous – parallel – concurrent – coexistent – contemporaneous: Concomitant in context Although living in rural and idyllic areas in the countryside can bring tranquility and peace of mind, …