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Definition of Demure in Visual Dictionary

Who is a demure woman or child in LELB Society's visual dictionary with real context

Definition of Demure in visual dictionary with real examples and many synonyms. All those synonyms per se have been used in real context with illustrations. /dɪˈmjʊəʳ/ (adj) Definition looking modest and shy, well-behaved and quiet, diffident, timid, coy, bashful, reserved, meek, unassertive, reticent, decorous, unassured, sedate, retiring Example In the past, In public. of course,…

Soporific GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Soporific GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Soporific GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˌsɒp.ərˈɪf.ɪk/ (adj) causing sleep or lethargy, making you feel sleepy, sedative, sleep-inducing, hypnotic, tranquilizing, calming, calmative, slumberous, opiate, somnolent, narcotic – tedious, boring, uneventful I went to watch Man of Steel (2013) by myself. I thought some of the visuals were pretty nice in the beginning. But I fell asleep towards…

Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3

equanimity LELB Society

Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Equanimity 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3 with flashcards, synonyms and authentic text for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE /ˌek.wəˈnɪm.ɪ.ti/ (noun) peace of mind, tranquility, calmness and self-control, equilibrium, level-headedness, composure Equanimity allows us to stand in the midst of conflict or crisis in a way where we are…

Sedate 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3

sedate LELB Society

Sedate 1100 Words You Need Sedate 1100 Words You Need Week 28 Day 3 with flashcards, authentic text and synonyms for IELTS & TOEFL /sɪˈdeɪt/ (adj & verb) Adjective: calm and relaxed, tending to avoid excitement, dignified, serene, placid, unflappable Verb: to cause someone to become calm or go to sleep by giving them a…