The Ox and the Frog from Aesop with Video & Vocabulary

The Ox and the Frog from Aesop’s fables with video and vocabulary practice for advanced ESL students

The Ox and the Frog is now in the public domain available at: Gutenberg Project

Persian version of the Ox and the Frog

تمرین خلاصه نویسی در فارسی با داستان قورباغه و گاو نر

Video of The Ox and the Frog

The Ox and the Frog

آموزش زبان فارسی با قصه موش و گاو به همراه ویدیو و نسخه انگلیسی مناسب برای تمرین خواندن و نوشتن فارسی

Two little frogs were playing about at the edge of a pool when an ox came down to the water to drink, and by accident trod on one of them and crushed the life out of him.

  • ox: an adult bull that is very strong
  • trod: past tense of tread, which means to trample on or step on something
  • crush: to compress something heavily and damage it
Learn Persian Online Story the Frog and the Ox at LELB Society
The Ox and the Frog from Aesop for ESL students

When the old frog missed him, she asked his brother where he was. “He is dead, mother,” said the little frog; “an enormous big creature with four legs came to our pool this morning and trampled him down in the mud.”

  • enormous: extremely big
  • trample: tread on something

Learn Persian online frog crab Kelileh & Demneh at LELB Society-min

“Enormous, was he? Was he as big as this?” said the frog, puffing herself out to look as big as possible. “Oh! yes, _much_ bigger,” was the answer. The frog puffed herself out still more.

The Mouse and the Bull - short story from Aesop for ESL students to learn vocabulary in real context

“Was he as big as this?” said she. “Oh! yes, yes, mother, _MUCH_ bigger,” said the little frog. And yet again she puffed and puffed herself out till she was almost as round as a ball. “As big as…?” she began—but then she burst.

  • burst: explode

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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