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Vernal GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Vernal GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/ˈvɜː.nəl/ (adj)

occurring in the spring season, relating to the season of spring, in spring, spring-like – fresh and youthful, vivacious, sprightly, vigorous

In the UK during April and May, there are often more northerly vernal breezes than at other times of the year when south-westerlies prevail. For the UK and Europe, a northerly air flow can mean air temperatures plummet rapidly as dry polar air is drawn down over the land. This air is readily heated, causing the development of cumulus clouds that can quickly create significant local conditions.

Source: https://www.yachtingworld.com/

Antonyms: feeble, incapacitated, rotting, old

Adverb: vernally

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