Learn Persian with Khooneye Ma by Marjan Farsad

Learn Persian with Khooneye Ma

Learn Persian with Khooneye Ma Learn Persian with Khooneye Ma Watch this video on YouTube نام ترانه: خونه ما خواننده: مرجان فرساد سبک: پاپ متن ترانه خونه ما دوره دوره پشت کوه های صبوره پشت دشت های طلایی پشت صحرا های خالی خونه ماست اونور آب اونور موج های بی‌تاب پشت جنگل های سروه توی …

Terror – English Flashcard for Terror with Synonyms

Terror - English Flashcard for Terror

Terror Terror /ˈter.əʳ/ US /-ɚ/ (noun) extreme fear or phobia, horror, intense fear, dread, fright, alarm, trepidation, panic, shock, annoying person, pest, nuisance, troublemaker: The lost little girl was shouting for her mother in the crowd in sheer terror. Parts of Speech Noun: terrorism Noun: terrorist Verb: terrorize Antonyms peace, calm

Decay – English Flashcard for Decay for IELTS

Decay Flashcard LELB Society

Decay Decay (noun & verb) /dɪˈkeɪ/ to destroy something or be destroyed over time either naturally or artificially – decompose – grow moldy – crumble – decline: Keep the meat in the fridge; or else, it will decay soon. Parts of Speech Noun: decadence Adjective: decadent Adverb: decadently Antonyms rehabilitation, improve, develop

Likelihood – English Flashcard for Likelihood for IELTS

Likelihood Flashcard LELB Society

Likelihood Likelihood (noun) /ˈlaɪ.kli.hʊd/ the possibility that something will happen – probability – chance – possibility: They were continuing the tournament with just little likelihood of becoming the winners. Parts of Speech Adjective: likely Noun: like Noun: likeliness Antonyms unlikeliness, doubtfulness

Learn Numbers in French from 1 to 100 – (épisode 2)

Learn Numbers in French

Learn Numbers in French Learn Numbers in French Bonjour. C’est encore moi, Hossein Hariri. Cet épisode concerne les chiffres en français. Alors, apprenons les nombres dans les phrases suivantes: J’ai une fille qui s’appelle Bita. Notre appartement a deux chambres à coucher. Il y a trois personnes dans ma famille; moi, Hajar, mon épouse et …

Frightened – English Flashcard for Frightened for IELTS

Frightened - English flashcard for Frightened

Frightened Frightened /ˈfraɪ.tənd/ (adj) anxious and afraid, horrified, terrified, scared, alarmed, startled, upset, worried, panicky: The little abandoned dog seems to be so frightened. I bet he’s starving, too. Parts of Speech Verb: frighten Adjective: frightening Adverb: frighteningly Noun: fright Antonyms calm, comfort