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Divorce Rate | An IELTS Essay Sample

Divorce Rate | An IELTS Essay Sample

Divorce Rate | An IELTS Essay Sample

? Topic:

Recently, there has been a rapid rise in the divorce rate among the young.

Discuss the key factors that might increase the rate of divorce in modern society.

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? The Essayist: Sasan

In the recent era, the divorce rate has been raised to a great extent. Many reasons have been laid behind this jump in the number of cases which people put an end to their marriage.

First of all, today, laws have been changed dramatically and it is easier for couples to get a divorce. To elaborate on it, in the past, there used to be an adequate justification for the separation, such as, intoxication, adultery, cruelty, etc. However, these days, couples get divorced if they are not happy with their relationships and also, the process of getting a divorce is not as difficult as it was in the past. Moreover, in modern societies it is completely acceptable if a person has got a divorce, whereas, previously, that was a taboo and people could not remarry easily.

Furthermore, these days, spouses are less dependent on each other and this condition paves the way for a marriage to end in divorce. In fact, in the past, men were the integral breadwinners in every houses and in turn, women were more submissive and subjugated. Another perspective which merits attention is that today, life is so complicated and people are less satisfied and cheerful owing to the problems that they are coping with. To be more precise, some issues such as air pollution, traffic jam, unemployment, low income, etc. affect the standards of people’s lives tremendously. Hence, couples have lower tolerance in their lives and split up with each other straightforwardly.

To sum up, these days, many problems ignite the thought of divorce in the mind of couples and some new circumstances have made it more possible for people to come to this tragic decision.

✅ Error Correction:

  • Paragraph 2, Line 2: separation (no article)
  • paragraph 2, Line 2: I wonder if you know ‘separation’ and ‘divorce’ are not exactly interchangeable.
  • Paragraph 3, Line 5: … affect people’s standards of living
  • ? An essay of outstanding quality!

1 thought on “Divorce Rate | An IELTS Essay Sample”

  1. In the recent era, the divorce rate has been raised to a great extent. Many reasons have been laid behind this jump in the number of cases which people put an end to their marriage.

    First of all, today, laws have been changed dramatically and it is easier for couples to get a divorce. To elaborate on it, in the past, there used to be an adequate justification for the separation, such as, intoxication, adultery, cruelty, etc. However, these days, couples get divorced if they are not happy with their relationships and also, the process of getting a divorce is not as difficult as it was in the past. Moreover, in modern societies it is completely acceptable if a person has got a divorce, whereas, previously, that was a taboo and people could not remarry easily.

    Furthermore, these days, spouses are less dependent on each other and this condition paves the way for a marriage to end in divorce. In fact, in the past, men were the integral breadwinners in every houses and in turn, women were more submissive and subjugated. Another perspective which merits attention is that today, life is so complicated and people are less satisfied and cheerful owing to the problems that they are coping with. To be more precise, some issues such as air pollution, traffic jam, unemployment, low income, etc. affect the standards of people’s lives tremendously. Hence, couples have lower tolerance in their lives and split up with each other straightforwardly.

    To sum up, these days, many problems ignite the thought of divorce in the mind of couples and some new circumstances have made it more possible for people to come to this tragic decision.

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