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Burn the Midnight Oil 1100 Words You Need Week 25

Burn the midnight oil

Burn the midnight oil

to study or work late into the night, burn the candle at both ends, work late, study up, work day and night, work overtime, keep your nose to the grindstone, toil, cram

We all stay up late at night to complete a piece of work. And the next morning, many of you feel happy and eager to share with family, friends, and colleagues how great you are for burning the midnight oil.

When employees are not embarrassed to announce to the others that they burnt the midnight oil, it’s affirmation that the institution they work for encourages such a culture and likely rewards it. Organisations reinforce habits they consider positive and dis-incentivize those they consider harmful and would rather not see in the institution.

So – it’s not uncommon for companies not to promote those that do not burn the midnight oil. They may even be rated unsatisfactory at the annual performance appraisal. It becomes a real problem for employees to leave work at the stipulated time. Such employees have been tagged the ‘8 to 5’ type and have had their commitment questioned. Organisations disdain the ‘8 to 5’ type and exhilarate those that burn the midnight oil.

Source: https://gabazira.com/

Antonym: ease up

Farsi: تا دیروقت یا نیمه شب درس خواندن یا کار کردن

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