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As Broad As It Is Long 1100 Words You Need Week 25

Published on August 3rd, 2020 | Last updated on August 3rd, 2020 by | Category: 1100 Words You Need to Know Flashcards, English Vocabulary in Context | No Comments on As Broad As It Is Long 1100 Words You Need Week 25 | 68 Views | Reading Time: 2 minutes

As broad as it is long

As broad as it is long

it’s said when one cannot choose between two identical or similar things, making very little differences, like two peas in a pod, almost the same, almost identical, alike, analogous, comparable, akin, nuance, tinge

Sammie and Charlie are identical twins who have been best friends their whole lives. But when they start seventh grade at a new school, the sisters must face the realities of growing up and growing apart.

There’s a new set of twin boys on the scene, and like Sammie and Charlie, these twins are as broad as they are long. Charlie’s friends, and the popular kids, are quick to accept the cuter boy. But when a bonfire on the beach gets out of control, Charlie’s group blames it on the other twin. Both Sammie and Charlie know he isn’t the boy to blame, but will they have the courage to come forward to tell the truth and double-cross the popular kids?

Source: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/

Antonym: a horse of a different color, dissimilar

Farsi: تفاوت جزئی داشتن

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