English Webinar on IELTS Speaking

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking

Transcript of this webinar on IELTS speaking

  • The IELTS Speaking section is the same in both Academic and General modules of the IELTS exam.
  • The format of the IELTS Speaking test:
    • It’s not a computer-based exam. It’s technically a face-to-face interview with the IELTS examiner. Keep in mind that the interview is recorded.
    • The length of IELTS Speaking section is between 11 and 14 minutes.
  • If you have a nickname in English, you can invite the examiner to call you with your nickname.
  • Do not give any advice or recommendation to the examiner.
  • You should not copy some model answers in your interview.
  • Remember that you should not ask the examiner any personal question. As a matter of fact, you’re supposed to answer the questions and not pose any.
  • Can you use contractions in IELTS Speaking part?
    • Yes, you can use contractions in the interview because it shows that you are fluent. For instance, you can use “wanna” (for want to) and “gonna” (for going to).
  • IELTS Speaking Parts:
    • Part 0: Greeting the examiner
      • It’s called Part 0 because this is the first thing that you do as soon as you enter the examination room.
      • You need to create a good impression on the examiner.
      • Try to show self-confidence in interaction with the examiner.
      • Strike a pose while sitting that shows that you are confident and ready for the exam.
      • Try to have eye contact with the IELTS examiner.
      • Do not address the examiner with a title (e.g., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.) plus their first name, which is a common mistake in English. For example, do not address him as Mr. Jack.
    • Part 1: Question and answer between you and the examiner, lasting for 3 to 4 minutes:
      • Some typical questions that are asked in Part 1:
        • What’s your name?
        • What’s your specialty?
        • What do you do?
        • What genre of music do you like?
        • Where were you born?
        • What’s your nationality?
        • What’s your field of study?
        • What are your hobbies?
  • It’s important to pronounce your hometown in English.
    • Part 2: A talk or monologue lasting for 3 to 4 minutes:
      • You are given a topic card or cue card. You have around one minute to brainstorm over the given prompt.
      • You can take notes in your brainstorming.
      • Your speech or monologue lasts for around 2 minutes.
      • You are asked some general questions based on your experience and opinions. Don’t expect to see technical or sophisticated questions.
    • Part 3: A follow-up discussion lasting for 3 to 5 minutes
  • All the 3 parts of IELTS Speaking are equally important.
  • How fast are you supposed to speak?
    • You don’t need to be a fast-speaker, yet it’s so important for you to be fluent and have a coherent speech.

The participants who attended this free English Webinar:

  1. Arash from Poland
  2. Dr. Hariri from Iran
  3. Sasan from Iran

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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