Essay 31: Loneliness and Solitude

English essay on loneliness and solitude written by our students to practice writing

Essay topic on loneliness and solitude

Although most of our cities are overpopulated these days, many citizens are suffering from loneliness. It is as if we are surrounded by water, but still thirsty. Discuss the reasons for this ironic situation.

Essayist: Sam, one of our students

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In the third millennium, people are facing with numerous physical, psychological and social role changes that challenge their sense of self and capacity to live happily. Many people experience loneliness, either as a result of living alone or reduced connections with cultural values of their societies, which results in an inability to actively participate in the community activities.

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To begin with, decreasing participation in social activities causes enormous psychological disorders. Everyone in any society feels a sense of depression and loneliness owing to the lack of self-knowledge. For instance, even in a well-developed country such as the USA, people almost always have a sense of self-alienation. In so doing, people are not even aware of people living around them, and step by step become stranger to one another.

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Additionally, the cultural values of many societies seem to be fading away through globalisation. People are being submerged by state-of-the-art technology. This leads them to having less time to scrutinize themselves carefully in metropolises, in particular. The citizens in Megacities often focus on materialistic aspects of life, namely luxurious apartments, posh automobiles and so on and so forth. Once people’s attention is deviated, it is so difficult to recognize their healthy lifestyle, within which people might have some useful practice to experience truly calm and tranquil atmospheres in their life.

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To conclude, dealing with interpersonal and international issues in the overpopulated cities requires specific attention of individuals and the society as a whole. It is felt that individuals make more efforts and have more perseverance to do their best, exactly when they are engaged in a huge amount of unimportant tasks.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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