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Fawn GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Fawn GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

/fɔːn/ (adj, noun & verb)

Verb: to grovel, pander, flatter, bootlick, butter up, ingratiate oneself with, be obsequious to, toady, curry favor with, kowtow, be sycophantic to

Noun: a young deer

Adjective: a pale yellowish brown color

“There’s a personal cost to ingratiating yourself with your boss, or fawning over him” said Anthony Klotz, an associate professor of management in the College of Business at Oregon State University and the lead author of the paper. “When your energy is depleted, it may nudge you into slack-off territory.”

Ingratiation is just one of many behaviors employees use to create and maintain their desired image in the workplace. Past research has shown that successful use of these behaviors, known collectively as impression management tactics, can have benefits for employees, including stronger performance evaluations.

Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/

Adjective: fawning

Adverb: fawningly

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