IELTS Essay on Single Parents | IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Essay on Single Parents – IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Essay on Single Parents – IELTS Writing Task 2

In modern societies, couples who have children might get a divorce and their children have to be raised by single parents. Discuss the problems that single parents ought to deal with in modern societies.

LELB Society’s Essayist: Mohsen

Once, traditional family structure of two parents with many children but nowadays, family structure is changing, new families structure include single parent families with children. For example (father and child or mother and child)

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First of all, children with single parent called children of divorce in societies. In fact, children who have experienced a divorce, generally, including greater unhappiness, less satisfaction with life, weaker sense of personal control, more depression, higher level of stress, rather than, children with two parents. Whereas, separation parents to be influence future relationships child for instance, any romantic relationship, interpersonal relationship, harmonious relationship, working relationship and social relationship in addition, children of divorced or separated parents exhibit increased behavioral problems.

Family Members in Farsi

Sometimes, children of divorce jealous than children from non-divorced family and this can lead to be violence between them girls and boys deal with divorce of parents differently. For example, girls who were separated from their fathers at a younger age can be deceived of malicious man or bad woman and attracting home of corruption and used as sexual slave in the worst case. Another example, for boys who were separated from their mothers at a teenager age can be enticed of bad man and attracting a criminal band and used as a killer in the worst case.

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In conclusion, children of divorce advent in western countries like the United States, England, Australia, and Canada but frequently, this issue expanded to other countries in the world. At this moment, children of divorce is global problem and psychologist and social scientist should survey this problem I believe this problem is very important and government should help with children of divorce.


  • IELTS Essay on Single Parents
  • Cohesion and Cohesion (15% of 25%)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (10% of 25%)
  • Lexical Resources (18% of 25%)
  • Task Achievement (5% of 25%)
    • In your introductory paragraph, you have not mentioned anything about the problems that single parents deal with.
    • In your second paragraph, you have mainly elaborated on the problems that the children of single parents face, rather than the single parents themselves. The same issue can be found in your third paragraph.
    • In your essay, primarily, you have been focusing on the problems that children of divorce should tolerate.
  • Word Count: “274” Excellent

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4152

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2 thoughts on “IELTS Essay on Single Parents | IELTS Writing Task 2”

  1. Once, traditional family structure of two parents with many children but nowadays, family structure is changing, new families structure include single parent families with children. For example (father and child or mother and child)
    First of all, children with single parent called children of divorce in societies. In fact, children who have experienced a divorce, generally, including greater unhappiness, less satisfaction with life, weaker sense of personal control, more depression, higher level of stress, rather than, children with two parents. Whereas, separation parents to be influence future relationships child for instance, any romantic relationship, interpersonal relationship, harmonious relationship, working relationship and social relationship in addition, children of divorced or separated parents exhibit increased behavioral problems.
    Sometimes, children of divorce jealous than children from non-divorced family and this can lead to be violence between them girls and boys deal with divorce of parents differently. For example, girls who were separated from their fathers at a younger age can be deceived of malicious man or bad woman and attracting home of corruption and used as sexual slave in the worst case. Another example, for boys who were separated from their mothers at a teenager age can be enticed of bad man and attracting a criminal band and used as a killer in the worst case.
    In conclusion, children of divorce advent in western countries like the united states, England, Australia, and Canada but frequently, this issue expanded to other countries in the world. At this moment, children of divorce is global problem and psychologist and social scientist should survey this problem I believe this problem is very important and government should help with children of divorce

    • Dear Mohsen,
      Thank you for submitting your IELTS essay on single parents to us for feedback and assessment.

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