IELTS Writing Task 1 on Transport Preferences in 4 Places

IELTS Writing Task 1 on transport preferences in 4 different countries among young people. Join LELB Society’s students and members and submit your essays and reports to us for complete analysis.

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Write a report on transport preferences

Write a report of approximately 150 words in 20 minutes on the transport preferences among young people in percentage across 4 different countries.

IELTS Writing Task 1 on transport preferences

As this chart illustrates, the usage of cars has the highest percentage in all four contraries except for Germany, where the usage of bicycles is higher. Furthermore, it is conspicuous that between all these four countries, cars are the most popular in France with more than 70% preference for transportation among young people. In Great Britain and USA the preference is equivalent with 60% preference and it is 40% in Germany.

  1. the most popular transport system / the most popular of all
  2. In your first paragraph, you should give an overview of the visual data in one or two sentences. You can or should repeat the keywords from the visual without making any analysis.
  3. It’s better to use this paragraph in the body of your report, and to be more precise, the first paragraph of the body.
  4. the USA

In Germany, bicycles are the favorite with almost 45% usage, in the second place we have Great Britain with only less than 30% of youths choosing bicycles to transport. As it is clear, bicycles are not much popular in the two other countries with only less than 15% usage.

  1. … usage. In …
  2. to transport = for transportation – Transport is a transitive verb and requires an object.

Motorcycles do not have that much popularity in these countries except for the USA with 30% preference between young people and in the other three countries it is less than 20%.

  1. Repeat the names of the countries as you have started a new paragraph.

We can come to a conclusion from this chart that cars are the most possible choice among young people as transportation and motorcycles are the least favorite ones.

  1. come to this / the conclusion that …
  2. In IELTS Writing Task 1, you don’t necessarily need to draw a conclusion.
  3. obvious choice
  4. and = while / whereas – better conjunctions to show contrast

Analysis and scoring

  • Analysis
    • It’s better to refer to this visual data as a graph, although all graphs are charts, too.
    • There is no introduction in your report. The first one or two sentence(s) should give an overview of the visual data.
    • The order of the paragraphs is not accurate.
  • Cohesion and coherence: 15 of 25%
  • Grammatical range and accuracy: 22 of 25%
  • Lexical resources: 18 of 25%
  • Task achievement: 18 of 25%
  • Spelling: Great
  • Punctuation: Above average
  • Word Count: “179 Words” – Excellent
  • Time on Report Writing: “ XX Minutes” – Not specified by the candidate
  • Band score: 6 of 9 – Some point has been subtracted due to not mentioning the spent time.

2 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 1 on Transport Preferences in 4 Places”

  1. As this chart illustrates, the usage of cars has the highest percentage in all four contraries except for Germany, where the usage of bicycles is higher. Furthermore, it is conspicuous that between all these four countries, cars are the most popular in France with more than 70% preference for transportation among young people. In Great Britain and USA the preference is equivalent with 60% preference and it is 40% in Germany.
    In Germany, bicycles are the favorite with almost 45% usage, in the second place we have Great Britain with only less than 30% of youths choosing bicycles to transport. As it is clear, bicycles are not much popular in the two other countries with only less than 15% usage.
    Motorcycles do not have that much popularity in these countries except for the USA with 30% preference between young people and in the other three countries it is less than 20%.
    We can come to a conclusion from this chart that cars are the most possible choice among young people as transportation and motorcycles are the least favorite ones.

    • Thank you for submitting your report to us for analysis. This report as your IELTS Writing Task 1 will be evaluated before our next online classes.
      Please mention how much time (how many minutes) you’ve spent on generating this report.

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