The Wheels on the Bus Song by Bita Hariri Asl

The Wheels on the Bus Song by Bita Hariri Asl with a Video and Lyrics

The Wheels on the Bus Song with a video sung by Bita Hariri Asl and played by her father, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl for kids to learn and practice English with popular songs Video of the Wheels on the Bus Song Watch this video on YouTube. Lyrics of the Wheels on the Bus Song…

IELTS Writing Task 1 on Transport Preferences in 4 Places

IELTS Writing Task 1 on transport preferences in 4 different countries in percentage

IELTS Writing Task 1 on transport preferences in 4 different countries among young people. Join LELB Society’s students and members and submit your essays and reports to us for complete analysis. Watch this video on IELTS Writing Task 1 on transport preferences Watch this video on YouTube. Write a report on transport preferences Write a…

Agoraphobia Definition in Context with Images & Antonyms

Agoraphobia definition in context with images and antonyms in visual dictionary

Agoraphobia definition in context with images and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. /ˌæg.rəˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ (noun) Agoraphobia definition extreme or irrational anxiety or fear of open spaces or public places or being away from home or even fear of being in a crowd of people Video of agoraphobia Watch this video on YouTube.…

English Presentation on Pros and Cons of Teleworking

English presentation on the pros and cons of teleworking at LELB Society

An English presentation on the pros and cons of teleworking given by LELB Society’s students to practice speaking. Join our students and give presentations or lectures in English and Persian on interesting and useful topics and improve your speaking practically. English presentation on pros and cons of teleworking Watch this video on YouTube. Reading practice…

IELTS Essay on Traffic Jam Complete Feedback

IELTS essay on traffic jam with complete scoring and analysis

IELTS essay on traffic jam with full essay submitted to us by our students with complete feedback and scoring. Send your IELTS essays to us for thorough analysis and get ready for the actual IELTS exam. IELTS essay question on traffic jam To solve the issue of traffic congestion in large cities, more modern methods of public transport, such…

IELTS Essay on Traffic Congestion Full Essay

IELTS essay on traffic congestion with full essay + deep analysis

IELTS essay on traffic congestion with full essay submitted to us by our members + essay question and thorough analysis. Submit your IELTS essays to us for deep analysis and scoring. IETLS essay question on traffic congestion To solve the issue of traffic congestion in large cities, more modern methods of public transport, such as…

Repress 1100 Words You Need Week 13 Day 4

repress LELB Society

Repress 1100 Words You Need Repress 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈpres/ (verb) to hide a feeling and not let it be expressed, curb actions that show feelings, keep inside, block, suppress, cut back, hold back, inhibit, keep a stiff upper lip, conceal to use force to control a group of people or an expression of…

Per Capita – English Flashcard for Per Capita for IELTS

Per Capita - English Flashcard for Per Capita for IELTS

Per capita Per capita /pəˈkæp.ɪ.tə/ US /pɚˈkæp.ɪ.ţə/ (adv) If you state an amount per capita, you mean that amount for each person, by or for each person, respectively, in proportion, per head, proportionately, pro rata: The per capita number of our mistakes during a specific period of time reveals the level of our accuracy. France and…

English Presentation American Lifestyle vs. European Lifestyle

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation American Lifestyle vs. European Lifestyle English Presentation American Lifestyle vs. European Lifestyle Watch this video on YouTube. LELB Society’s Lecturer: Sasan Handout Provided by the Lecturer What are some factors that can influence various lifestyles led by people all around the world? In which region do people have to pay for using public toilets? In…

IELTS Essay Sample 89 | Public Transport

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

IELTS Essay Sample 89 | Public Transport IELTS Essay Sample 89 | Public Transport IELTS Essay Sample 89 | Public Transport Your essay should include at least 250 words. You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task. In this task, your ability to respond to a topic, generate relevant ideas, outline problems and offer…