IELTS Writing Task 2 | Homeschooling

IELTS Writing Task 2 | Homeschooling

IELTS Writing Task 2 | Homeschooling

IELTS Writing Task 2 | Homeschooling

General Information

  • The Academic Writing test takes 60 minutes. It consists of two tasks. The recommended time for each task is: 20 minutes on Task 1, and 40 minutes on Task 2. Between the two tasks of your Academic Writing Test, you are free to start from the one you like.
  • Your essay should include at least 250 words.
  • You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task.
  • In this task, your ability to respond to a topic, generate relevant ideas, outline problems and offer solutions to the problems based on your experience and reasoning is measured.
  • IELTS Writing Task 2 falls into the category of argumentative essays.
  • IELTS Writing Task 2, compared to IELTS Writing Task 1, carries more weight in scoring.
  • Your reader is an educated person with only general knowledge of the topic.


Some parents prefer to homeschool their children by virtue of modern technology and private tutors instead of sending them to public schools. State your opinions about homeschooling, juxtaposed with school education, and furnish your claims with reasoning.

The Essayist: Arash

When it comes to education of your child you want to make sure that they have the best education possible. There are 3 choices that you, as a parent, can make for education. Those are public school, private school, and homeschool. It is very difficult to compare homeschool and public schools because there is such a wide variation in both types of education, however, in my opinion, homeschool is the best choice to choose.

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There are many merits for homeschool to argue but I would like to mention some of them. Safety is one of the most important things that families prefer to keep their children at home and employ a private tutor for them. They are worried about drugs, bullying and negative attitudes as part of an unsafe environment. Flexible scheduling is another advantage of homeschools that parents can manage their children time in order to maximize their feedback.

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Furthermore, many families want to give their students a richer educational experience than they themselves had. Some gravitate toward the rigor of older methods like the classical model. In public school vs. homeschool, teachers are forced to juggle the educational needs of a large group of students with a wide range of abilities. Parents who prefer homeschool often want to set higher standards for their children, choose quality curriculum or have the flexibility to work at a faster pace in the subjects in which their students excel.

To conclude, education is one of the most important parts of anybody’s life and parents ought to investigate the options that exist based on their children character and choose the best way for their future.

Error Correction:

  • Paragraph 1:
    • Line 1: child :arrow: children
    • Line 2: for education :arrow: for their education
    • Line 2: homeschool :arrow: homeschooling
      • Homeschool is a verb. Homeschooling is a noun.
    • Line 4: … best choice to choose :arrow: best choice to make
  • Paragraph 2:
    • Line 1: but :arrow: and
      • You are not trying to show any contrast.
    • Line 1: things :arrow: factors / points
    • Line 2: that families prefer to :arrow: for which families prefer to
    • Line 4: children time :arrow: children’s time
    • Line 4: feedback :arrow: educational experience / productivity / results
  • Paragraph 3:
    • Perfect!
  • Paragraph 4:
    • Line 2: children characters :arrow: children’s personality traits / special characteristics
    • Line 2: choose the best way :arrow: choose the best one
      • Referring to the ‘options’
    • Your conclusion sounds rather vague and neutral.
  • Choice of Words (Diction): You have improved a lot!
  • Coherence: Good
  • Cohesion: Good
  • Grammar: Needs improvement
  • Reasoning: Good
  • Word Count: “272” Fair! 

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Number of Posts: 4134

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2 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Task 2 | Homeschooling”

  1. When it comes to education of your child you want to make sure that they have the best education possible. There are 3 choices that you, as a parent, can make for education. Those are public school, private school, and homeschool. It is very difficult to compare homeschool and public schools because there is such a wide variation in both types of education, however, in my opinion, homeschool is the best choice to choose.
    There are many merits for homeschool to argue but I would like to mention some of them. Safety is one of the most important things that families prefer to keep their children at home and employ a private tutor for them. They are worried about drugs, bullying and negative attitudes as part of an unsafe environment. Flexible scheduling is another advantage of homeschools that parents can manage their children time in order to maximize their feedback.
    Furthermore, many families want to give their students a richer educational experience than they themselves had. Some gravitate toward the rigor of older methods like the classical model. In public school vs. homeschool, teachers are forced to juggle the educational needs of a large group of students with a wide range of abilities. Parents who prefer homeschool often want to set higher standards for their children, choose quality curriculum or have the flexibility to work at a faster pace in the subjects in which their students excel.
    To conclude, education is one of the most important parts of anybody’s life and parents ought to investigate the options that exist based on their children character and choose the best way for their future.

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