We offer Persian class on Discord in our Discord server at LELB Society. The LELB Society’s Discord server is specifically designed for language learning.
Our Discord server, with hundreds of active members all across the world, allows learners to speak Persian or Farsi in a dedicated chat room and ask questions.
In the Persian chat room, it is possible to chat and practice with other people, especially native Persian speakers.
Advantages of Persian class on Discord at LELB Society
1- Free Persian class on Discord is held every day for half an hour. People who are members of our Discord server can take these classes.
Every night, from 10:00 to 10:30 pm – Iran Standard Time – Check Iran’s time here.
2- In these classes, all four language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, are reinforced and practiced naturally and simultaneously.
3- Most of the Persian language courses are about the needs of students in social life and everyday topics.
4- Unlike other Persian language training centers, which rely mostly on textbooks, our Persian resources at LELB Society are based on the needs of language learners with completely original content that enhances all language skills.
The educational resources have been prepared and compiled by the experienced staff of LELB Society.
5- All language learners at all levels have the opportunity to participate in these classes. The subject of the lesson of each session is already specified and the learners can prepare themselves to participate in the class.
6- The free Persian class is recorded as a video podcast and archived in the growing category of our Persian lessons and classes so that the learners can use them to review and learn better.
7- Talking about the subject in class to practice fluency, practicing reading and writing, learning new words on a daily basis with flashcards and examples are some of the things that make learning Persian very easy and natural for non-Persian speakers.
8- Interacting with other learners has a good effect on the development of language skills, especially conversation for non-Persian speakers.
Contact us to register for our online Farsi classes taught by native Persian speakers.
Free Persian Class on Discord
LELB Society offers special online classes both group and private, for your children and even young children. You can test all of our online Persian courses for free and sign up if satisfied.
Online Farsi Classes on Discord
Discord is an online communication software that was first used by gamers.
Since this Internet-based software enables the user to have high quality and very convenient features, all the audio, video and text messaging capabilities of the Internet, within a short period of time, Discord has gained a lot of attention.
To attract people (not just gamers), so it’s already outperforming other software like Skype and TeamSpeak. You can install and use Discord software on all operating systems and on all devices for free. Click here to learn more about Online Farsi Classes.
English Learning on Discord
Discord software is a very advanced application used by LELB Society to hold language classes. Language classes are held at different levels of education for all ages. One of the language classes held on Discord is the IELTS, TOEFL, GRE and EPT exams.
Discord software runs without restriction on Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, Linux and web browsers.
The advantage of Discord for holding online classes is very special, including the unlimited number of participants. In addition, the teacher can easily manage the classroom like a physical classroom, and all learners will benefit from class time.
Classes can be audio or video. The great thing for learners is that the members of LELB Society’s Discord server are from all over the world, and learners can connect with native speakers to improve their conversation and learning.
In addition, our Discord server only works for the purpose of language teaching and learning.
The benefits of quick and easy access in online learning, especially in language learning, make it effective for learners. In online education, there is no need to spend time and money going to class and people can spend the same time for learning.
The important thing is that people can communicate with each other and their teacher to discuss or solve questions and problems before and after class, which is a part of asynchronous learning. Communicating with people who are good at language is also very important and helpful.