Prolific 1100 Words You Need Week 16 Day 2

Prolific 1100 Words You Need

Prolific 1100 Words You Need

/prəˈlɪf.ɪk/ (adj)

  1. producing a great amount of good results or babies, fertile, productive, creative, fruitful, profuse
  2. existing in great numbers, abundant, plentiful, manifold, copious, abounding, bountiful

It has to be stated, because often I hear writers lament about their writing speed, the size of their catalogs, the books left unwritten in a series. “How to write fast” has become a hot enough topic that there are hundreds of books and podcasts and YouTube videos on the subject. I even have one of my own. But I want us to pause for a minute, take a breath, and realize that it’s ok to produce a book at a time. And that being “prolific” doesn’t have to mean writing twelve books in twelve months. There is one simple key to being a prolific writer, and it’s so common sense and mundane that I almost hesitate to mention it, for fear of causing undue strain from all the eye-rolling. But here it goes.


Prolific is an adjective that can be understood in terms of two intertwined meanings, one literal and one figurative. Literally, to be prolific is to create lots of products – and we mean lots. A classic example is a couple of rabbits kept together for longer than, say, five minutes: you blink a few times and all of a sudden these prolific lagomorphs are surrounded by a zillion little bunnies. This example is especially apt because it touches on the word’s particular relation to the production of offspring. Prolific frequently describes things, especially plants and animals, which generate plenty of children, fruit, or other progeny. In general, though, to call something prolific is to say that it makes a lot of stuff, regardless of that stuff’s type. That means that you could have a prolific car factory (if it makes a lot of cars), a prolific basketball player (if he makes a lot of shots), and so on.


There are very few writers I have interviewed or will interview in these podcasts whose curriculum vitae is longer than mine. And certainly none of those are some years younger than me. In this sense, in both his remarkable youth and strikingly prolific output Chris Thorpe has, over the past seventeen years, proven himself quite spectacular.


Noun: prolificacy

Adverb: prolifically

Antonyms: scarce, unproductive, abortive

Farsi: حاصلخیز، پرزا، بارور، فراوان

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