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English Conversation on Developing People Skills

English conversation on developing people skills for ESL students

Topic: “How to Develop People Skills?”

Round table Activity

Round table sessions to exchange explicit corrective feedback in our physical classes
Round table activity at LELB Society

Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “2”. Then attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 2 minutes (Brainstorming). Finally, prepare to get into a heated argument with your classmates

Questions on people skills

Classroom interaction in second language learning written by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

  1. What is the significance (if any) of mastering people skills in today’s life?
  2. What is the difference between having sympathy and empathy with other people, and which one is superior over the other?
  3. Are extroverted people necessarily better than the introverted at forging successful relationships with other people?
  4. If a person is rather weak at developing and maintaining channels of communication with others, can he/she master this skill? In other words, are people skills learnable?
  5. What happens if you fail to interact properly with other people?
    6. Discuss some effective techniques for optimizing your verbal communication skills.
  6. Mention some effective ways through which you try to communicate with others nonverbally.

Quotations and/or Ideas

Good quotes for discussion forum for ESL students at LELB Society

  1. “The greatest of all arts is the art of living together.” (Anonymous)
  2. “Damaged people are dangerous.” (Anonymous)
  3. “Expecting tactfulness and logic of illogical and uncivilized people is among the greatest imperfections.” (Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl)
  4. “The eyes of men converse as much as their tongues.” (Anonymous)

Related Idioms

community LELB Society

  1. To carry the day: to win the approval of the majority of people
  2. Might is right: used to say that powerful people or countries wield power or influence in the world
  3. Name-dropping: the act of mentioning the names of important and famous people in order to impress other people

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