Disenfranchise Meaning in Context – 601 Words

Disenfranchise meaning in real context with images

Disenfranchise meaning in real context with images and synonyms and antonyms from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn advanced vocabulary in context with images with the word, disenfranchise. /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfræn.tʃaɪz/ (verb) Disenfranchise meaning to take away power from a person particularly the right to vote or suffrage, disfranchise, deprive…

Famine 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13

famine LELB Society

Famine 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 13 /ˈfæm.ɪn/ (noun) extreme food shortage leading to illness or death, drought, deprivation, shortfall, deficiency of something, scantiness, dearth, poverty, short supply, food scarcity, starvation, want, lack, paucity, insufficiency The ‘Great Leap Forward’-famine in China from 1959-61 was the single largest famine in history in terms of absolute numbers…

Lack 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9

lack LELB Society

Lack 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 9 with synonyms, antonyms, and parts of speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS students in authentic contexts /læk/ (noun & verb) the absence or insufficiency of something, deficiency, deprivation, scarcity, paucity, deficit, shortage, nonexistence, privation, dearth – be in need of something, to not have enough of something, be…

Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1

hardship LELB Society

Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1 Hardship 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 1 /ˈhɑːd.ʃɪp/ (noun) difficulty or problem, plight, vicissitude, unpleasant condition, privation, severe suffering, poverty, destitution, deprivation, penury, austerity, misfortune, impecuniousness, misery, affliction, adversity, discomfort This report estimates the number of families who are not making ends meet. We examine the cost of…

Indigent 1100 Words You Need Week 7 Day 2

indigent LELB Society

Indigent 1100 Words You Need Indigent 1100 Words You Need /ˈɪn.dɪ.dʒənt/ (adj) very poor, needy, impoverished, poverty-stricken, penniless, impecunious, destitute, deprived, underprivileged, penurious: In that skid row, a great number of indigent people are struggling for survival. antonym: wealthy, affluent, born with a silver in one’s mouth adv: indigently noun: indigence Fre: indigent Fa: بیچاره

Deprived – English Flashcard for Deprived with Synonyms

Deprived | English Flashcard for Deprived - LELB Society

Deprived Deprived (adj) /dɪˈpraɪvd/ not having the necessary and basic things that you really need, lacking in, underprivileged, disadvantaged, poor, destitute: Being a deprived child, she was suffering from malnutrition. Antonyms provided, blessed, privileged Parts of Speech Verb: deprive: take away, remove, withdraw, dispossess Noun: deprivation Noun: depriver Adjective: deprivable