Fidelity Definition in Context with Images

Fidelity definition in context with images and synonyms

Fidelity definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, fidelity, in short real sentences with parts of speech and antonyms and improve your reading comprehension at the same time. /fɪˈdel.ə.ti/ (noun) Fidelity definition loyalty and honesty in a relationship particularly in a romantic relationship, devotion,…

Confidential Definition in Context with Images

Confidential definition in context with images

Confidential definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, confidential, in short authentic sentences with illustrations to improve your reading comprehension. /ˌkɒn.fɪˈden.tʃəl / (adj) Confidential definition secret and private, censored, classified, restricted intimate and personal, close, trustworthy, faithful Example With confidential testing, if your test…

Deist Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Deist meaning in context with synonyms from 601 Words You Need to Know

Deist meaning in context with images from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Learn the word, deist, about religion and practice reading and listening comprehension at the same time. /ˈdi:ɪst/ (noun) Deist meaning a believer who believes in a single God or monotheism on the basis of rational reasoning.…

Votary Definition in Context from 601 Words

Votary definition and synonyms in real context

Votary definition and synonyms in real context from the book, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam. Improve reading and listening comprehension in authentic context with the word, votary. /ˈvəʊt(ə)ri/ (noun) Votary definition a person especially a nun or monk who has made vows to dedicate his life to religious service or…

Loyalty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32

loyalty LELB Society

Loyalty 504 Absolutely Essential Words Lesson 32 /ˈlɔɪ.əl.ti/ (noun) the quality of being faithful, loyal and trustworthy, faithfulness, devotion, adherence, steadfastness, trustiness, fidelity, trustworthiness, allegiance, reliability, constancy, dependability Brand loyalty is the positive association consumers attach to a particular product or brand. Customers that exhibit brand loyalty are devoted to a product or service, which…

Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3

Devout 1100 words you need to know week 44 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3 Devout 1100 Words You Need Week 44 Day 3 /dɪˈvaʊt/ (adj) deeply religious, devoted to something, pious, believing strongly in a religion, spiritual, God-fearing, saintly, faithful, devoted, dedicated, committed, staunch, sincere, heartfelt, earnest, wholehearted A devout lady and a lukewarm believer — does their relationship stand…

Staunch – English Flashcard for Staunch for IELTS

Staunch - English Flashcard for Staunch - LELB Society

Staunch Staunch (adj & verb) /stɔːntʃ/ US /stɑːntʃ/ adj: showing great loyalty to a person, organization, etc. – steadfast – faithful – reliable – devoted – firm – strong – sturdy: He’s a staunch advocate of alternative medicine. Antonyms disloyal Parts of speech Adverb: staunchly Noun: staunchness Verb: staunch