English Question on Dream for Free Discussion

English question on dreams for discussion and speaking practice

Practice speaking and writing with this challenging question in English on the importance of dreams in life. Write your comments in the comment box below and get ready for an informative discussion in our online classes. English questions on dreams Is it better to have dreams that will never come to pass, or to have …

The Milk Woman and Her Pail – English Fairy Tale

The Milk Woman and the Pail from Aesop's Fables at LELB Society with podcast and vocabulary practice to learn English

The Milk Woman and Her Pail to learn English with short fairy tales from Aesop’s fables with a podcast and vocabulary practice Source: Gutenberg Project at www.gutenberg.org Watch this video on YouTube A farmer’s daughter was carrying her pail of milk from the field to the farmhouse, when she fell a-musing: The money for which …

Chimerical 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 4

chimerical LELB Society

Chimerical 1100 Words You Need Chimerical 1100 Words You Need /kaɪˈmer.ɪ.kəl/ (adj) Watch this video on YouTube having no external reality, imaginary, relating to fantasy, whimsical, unreal, deceptive, misleading, specious, illusory Impossible or forbidden colors aren’t the only colors the brain can see although the eye cannot produce them from the visible spectrum. For example, …

Fiction – English Flashcard for Fiction for IELTS

Fiction English Flashcard LELB Society

Fiction Fiction (noun) /ˈfɪk.ʃən/ a book, story, report, statement, etc. that is not based on reality or facts – fantasy – imagination – untruth: As a child, I was not able to distinguish between fact and fiction. Antonyms reality, fact Parts of Speech Adjective: fictional Adverb: fictionally

Whimsical – English Flashcard for Whimsical for IELTS

Whimsical - English Flashcard for Whimsical - LELB Society

Whimsical Whimsical (adj) /ˈwɪm.zɪ.kəl/ slightly unusual in a humorous and amusing way – odd – witty – bizarre – peculiar – fanciful – imaginative – erratic: Whimsical in context His whimsical sense of wry humor in the face of life vicissitudes had literally stunned his acquaintances. The artist’s studio was filled with whimsical creations, each …