Vivid Meaning in Real Context with Images

Vivid meaning in real context with images and synonyms

Vivid meaning in real context with images to practice reading comprehension and enrich your advanced vocabulary at the same time with synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech. Learn the word, vivid, in real context. /ˈvɪv.ɪd/ (adj) Vivid meaning extremely bright in color, gaudy, intense, flamboyant, colorful (of an image, memory, description, etc.) creating a detailed …

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Tawdry GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ˈtɔː.dri/ (adj) Definition superficially attractive but low in quality, meretricious, of inferior quality, shabby, gaudy, tasteless, flashy, glaring, loud, showy, flamboyant, garish, trashy, crude Example Flamboyant Clothing is an up and coming label for fashion. We want to promote self confidence in young people, in our very own ‘flamboyant’ way, through …

Meretricious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard

Meretricious GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

Definition of Meretricious as a GRE Vocabulary Flashcard also found in 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for advanced learners of English together with illustration and in authentic examples /ˌmer.ɪˈtrɪʃ.əs/ (adj) Definition superficially or falsely attractive, flashy, gaudy, insincere, fake, tawdry, worthless, loud, specious, cheap, valueless, vulgar, glaring, showy, spurious Example …

Livid 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3

Livid 1100 words you need to know week 45 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Livid 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3 Livid 1100 Words You Need Week 45 Day 3 /ˈlɪv.ɪd/ (adj) (of colors) unpleasant or dark blue, pale, decolored, dark bluish gray, bluish, purplish, grayish, bruised – furious and extremely angry, enraged, incensed, outraged, fuming I have another scar, a livid red one that throbs and …

Gaudy 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 1

gaudy LELB Society

Gaudy 1100 Words You Need Gaudy 1100 Words You Need Week 30 Day 1 with authentic materials, text-to-speech and illustrated flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈgɔː.di/ (adj) unpleasantly bright in color and decoration, flamboyant, showy, ostentatious, garish, flashy, extravagant, lurid, cheap, colorful October 17th happens to be Wear Something Gaudy Day. We, at The …