Bliss 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 1

bliss LELB Society

Bliss 1100 Words You Need Bliss 1100 Words You Need Week 29 Day 1 with authentic materials, synonyms, antonyms and flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /blɪs/ (noun) perfect happiness, complete happiness, spiritual joy, ecstasy, heaven, paradise, enjoyment, delight, pleasure, blessedness 2 weeks of sheer bliss and tranquil living in a lovely villa nestled in…

The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde – English Short Story

The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde at LELB Society with flashcards and podcast to learn English

The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde Available in the public domain at: High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large…

Bliss by Katherine Mansfield – English with Short Stories

Bliss by Katherine Mansfield at LELB Society to enjoy reading literature and improve your vocabulary with flashcards with a podcast

Bliss by Katherine Mansfield Bliss by Katherine Mansfield Available in the public domain through Gutenberg Project Although Bertha Young was thirty she still had moments like this when she wanted to run instead of walk, to take dancing steps on and off the pavement, to bowl a hoop, to throw something up in the air…

Exult 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 4

Exult 1100 Words You Need Week 17 Day 4 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Exult 1100 Words You Need Exult 1100 Words You Need /ɪgˈzʌlt/ (verb) to express happiness and pleasure, be triumphant, rejoice, revel, take pleasure in, take pride:  “He exulted in the possession of himself once more; he realized how much of the delight of the world he had lost when he was absorbed in that madness…

Upbeat – English Flashcard for Upbeat with Synonyms


Upbeat Upbeat /ʌpˈbiːt/ /ˈ–/ (adj) optimistic and cheerful, positive and buoyant, jaunty, sanguine, full of hope, hopeful, happy: Her upbeat attitude towards work was affecting his colleagues. Hanging around with upbeat people can push you forward in your life. Upbeat people are often a ray of sunshine in our daily lives. Their positive energy and optimistic outlook…

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn

Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn Open-ended Storytelling on Abandoned Newborn The plot of the story Jim, a divorced and fired middle-aged man, was wandering around in one of the back streets of Mississippi. It was late at night and Jim was starving to death. Suddenly, in that slum area, he heard a piercing shriek behind…

English Vocabulary about Happiness and Sadness

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

English Vocabulary about Happiness and Sadness English Vocabulary about Happiness and Sadness Behind the eight ball Watch this video on YouTube I’m really behind the eight ball at work. I have too much work to do but we can’t afford to hire anyone to help out((assist – help)). Consolation If it’s (of) any consolation (to…