Best English Documentary on Ancient Egypt

English documentary on Ancient Egypt with transcript to practice reading and listening comprehension

English documentary on Ancient Egypt with transcript and podcast to learn vocabulary in real context with illustrations and improve your listening comprehension at the same time. You can also select any text from the script and listen to it. Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube channel Listening comprehension on Ancient Egypt Watch this video on…

English Documentary on Mesopotamia + Reading

English documentary on Mesopotamia with transcript for advanced English learners

Best English documentary on Mesopotamia with a video and reading passages to practice listening and reading comprehension. Improve your advanced vocabulary in real context with images. You can also select any text and listen to it to improve your listening skills. Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube channel Listening comprehension on Mesopotamia Watch this video on…

Ancient Rome Facts – English Documentary

An English documentary on the ancient Rome facts with video transcript and vocabulary practice for advanced ESL learners

An English documentary about the ancient Rome facts with a video + full video transcript to practice listening and reading comprehension at the same time. You can also learn advanced vocabulary in real context about the ancient Rome facts. Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube channel Listening comprehension on Ancient Rome facts Watch this video…

Reading Practice on Pyramids of Egypt for Young Learners

Reading practice on pyramids of Egypt for young learners

Practice reading and listening comprehension on pyramids of Egypt suitable for young learners. Improve your vocabulary in context with illustrated words and listen to any word or text by selecting it. Pyramids of Egypt Grand tombs and gateways to the afterlife — the pyramids of Egypt are among the world’s most magnificent monuments. Their massive…

English Documentary on Machu Picchu Architecture with Transcript & Video

English documentary on Machu Picchu with transcript and video to practice reading and listening comprehension

English documentary on Machu Picchu architecture with transcript and video to practice reading and listening comprehension in real context and expand your academic and scientific vocabulary in context with illustrations for IELTS & TOEFL candidates Source of documentary: National Geographic YouTube Channel Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension Machu Picchu, an archeological wonder…

Fin de Siècle 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Fin de siecle from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context

Fin de Siècle 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with synonyms and illustrations for GRE and SAT candidates and advanced learners of English with authentic examples and passages ˌfæn.də.siːˈek.lə/ (adj & noun) Definition relating to the last years of the 19th century especially from a cultural and literary…

Paleontology – Definition & Examples in Real Context for GRE Candidates

Definition of Paleontology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

Definition of Paleontology in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in authentic context with illustrations and similar related words for GRE candidates and advanced English learners /ˌpālēənˈtäləjē/ (noun) Definition the scientific study of ancient life in prehistoric times by analyzing fossil evidence Example paleontology is scientific study of life of the geologic past that involves the…

Archaeology – English Vocabulary about Science in Context

Definition of Archaeology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

Definition of Archaeology in authentic context and examples from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with synonyms for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners /ˌɑːkɪˈɒlədʒi/ (noun) Definition the scientific study of ancient cultures and human history through analyzing physical remains, fossils and excavation Example Archaeology is the study of the ancient…

Definition of Primeval in Real Context with Images

Definition of Primeval in real context with images from 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Definition of Primeval in authentic context with illustrations for advanced learners of English with synonyms and antonyms /praɪˈmiː.vəl/ (adj) Definition belonging to or existing from an early time, ancient, antediluvian, primary, archaic, of the earliest time in history, prehistoric – primitive and instinctive, original, primal, intuitive, basic Example An old-growth forest – also termed primary…

Tercentenary 601 Words You Need to Know

Tercentenary 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Tercentenary 601 Words You Need to Know /ˌtɜː.senˈtiː.nər.i/ (adj & noun) Definition the year or date which is the 300th anniversary of an important event in history or 300 years after a turning point in history, tercentennial, festival, celebration, commemoration Example The Boston Tercentenary Committee was reorganized at a meeting held for the purpose in…